To treat the poor at the bottom, hide it if you can, cheat if you can

However, there will still be some stupid dogs who will refute me and argue with me. Regarding this, I just want to say that I was wrong and you were right. Because to treat a poor person like you, I have to hide it if I can and cheat if I can. I shouldn’t reveal some truth and tell some truth. Otherwise, these stupid dogs who are being cheated will bite me instead and keep pestering me.

All right, stupid dogs who don’t want to hear the truth can turn it off. I’m happy if you’re happy. Bosses who want to hear can continue to read.

Fans who have read my previous articles also know that only a few people in this world control the wealth of most people, and the purpose of most people’s hard work is to feed these few people who get nothing for nothing and make them live better and more comfortable.

Moreover, this minority of rich people are constantly trying to devise rules and conditions to control and entice the majority of poor people.

Let them never be able to turn over, and in the end, the poorer they become, the richer they become.

Simply put, the wealth of the rich comes from the hard work of the poor. The harder the poor work, the richer the rich will be. This is what is called working hard to get rich.

To put it bluntly, there were two systems in this world. One could be put on the table, and the other was for others to see on the surface and fool the public.

The other is real, under the table, which most people can’t see.

What can be said is for others to listen to; what you really do will not be in the sun. Sadly, you are still talking about fairness, but what others measure is means and interests.

What you see is what others want you to see.

You believe what others want you to believe.

What you think is what others make you think.

What you know is what others want you to know.

Most people live in a game designed by the rich, trapped in their heads by the poor, the weak culture, and over time, they believe it.

This explains why some stupid dogs argue with me, because changing the bottom idea is like digging up their ancestral graves.

In addition, observing morality is also a kind of poor people’s thinking. These poor people follow morality first and interests second. What they think is: what can be done and what cannot be done. The reason is that morality is immoral and illegal.

And the high-level poor people think about profit first. They think about what I can do for the poor and what I can do for the rich. Then he went to study accounting and medicine.

The real strong thinking, only the supremacy of interests, they think is: how can I legally rob money.

So you can ask yourself which one you belong to and which one you want to be.

And here’s a question you need to seriously consider: If everything in your head is right, why don’t you have what you want in your pocket?

Is there something fundamental missing in your head that makes you unhappy and unable to get what you want?

In fact, to put it bluntly, there are two fundamental sources of unhappiness, lack of money and sex life.

You think about it yourself, most of your anger, sadness, and troubles are not because you have no money. In fact, most of your happiness, happiness, and calmness come from wealth. When you are single, your trouble except money is that you have no sex life. You can only sleep alone every day. Seeing others in pairs is full of envy. After marriage, quarrels between husband and wife, cheating, divorce, mostly because one party thinks the other party is waste, can’t earn money, or the sex life between the two is not harmonious. Contradictions, disagreements and breaks between relatives are mostly due to competition for property or non-repayment of loans; friends gradually drift away and lose contact, mostly because one party mixes well and the other party stops at the same place…

Without those two, you’ll find all kinds of shit.

Then again, because something is missing in your mind, something is missing, so in other words, if you fill in these things and throw away the useless things in your mind, it will be much better than it is now.

In fact, it is essentially a change of thinking.

When you think about it, it’s easy to understand that if someone has what you want in their pocket, there must be something in their head that you don’t have!

Some people say, negative entropy brother, so how can I have these powerful people’s minds and use these thoughts to put money in my pocket?

This question is too broad. Let me give you an example. Today, I saw screenshots of other group friends constantly sending income in the high-priced community I joined. Other group friends asked, how did I earn it and what was the source of income? Then another group friend said, you give him the money, you know.

In fact, think about it can understand, the so-called real way to make money, how can it easily tell others, but most people, are listening to the words on the market, free learning xxx, free training xxx, 9 yuan 9 learning financial management, 8 yuan 8 learning film and television post-production… (The ads I see are these.)

First of all, free is a trap. Later, it just asks you to pay more money to learn a craft that you don’t know much about. Secondly, you also learn training. In my opinion, training is all about guiding you to work. You are still happy to go in…

Didn’t I say that working in ZG would be a very hard life, they were trapped by 996,007, 9 to 5 for a lifetime, unable to know this colorful world, so no matter how big this world is, it actually has nothing to do with you. The poor are full of thoughts about the stars, poetry and distance all day long. These are illusory things, but they actually don’t have time to go. Moreover, the boss’s salary is not enough for them to go.

The rich thought that the tickets to the Star Sea were very expensive. Poetry and distance both required travel expenses. They kept thinking and improving their thinking. They knew that as long as the money-making machine was running well, they could make money lying down. No matter how far poetry and distance were, they were still close at hand.

So how to choose, you must have a pole scale in your heart, what kind of life you want to live in the future depends on yourself, only one person can take care of you in old age, this person is yourself when you are young!

Be realistic, brother. If you’re not fierce, who’s ever been kind to you?

So if you want to be cruel like me, you must have awareness, cruel three knives: it is not worth measuring with benefits, forget feelings, and constantly invest in your brain.

These three points are easy to understand, so I won’t explain them too much.

And these three points are also the solution to abandoning weak culture.

Therefore, if you accidentally discover these truths I said, you can silently improve yourself, because when you say it to the people around you, the people at the bottom will regard you as an enemy. If you wake up the masses, the people at the top will not forgive you.

Then all you can do is treat the people at the bottom, hide what you can, cheat what you can.

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